Geelong Repertory Theatre Company
Formed in 1932 as Geelong Repertory Society and led for many years by Dulcie Meakin, the company performed an average of seven plays a year in the old GAMA (Geelong Association of Music and Art) Theatre.
Rep became a member of GAMA in 1946. With annexation in 1978 of the GAMA Theatre by the Geelong Performing Arts Centre (GPAC), Rep performed in various venues, prior to completion of GPAC in 1981. In the same year GAMA purchased "Henry's", a wood and timber store in Geelong West, to be used as office space, wardrobe, rehearsal space, workshop area and meeting place for the three GAMA sections (Rep, The Geelong Chorale and the Music Society) and is known as the Lilian Stott Centre.
Using GPAC initially proved successful, but rising costs and falling audience numbers made it necessary for Rep to change direction. The Woodbin rehearsal space was converted into a small, intimate and versatile theatre. The inaugural production was in October 1989 and we have been here ever since.
Dulcie Meakin
by Richard Critchlow
‘Repertory’ means an index or catalogue; a storehouse or repository where something may be found; a repertoire. A store of dramatic or musical pieces; one’s stock of parts, tunes and songs. (Oxford Dictionary) A company of players or a theatre to which is attached a permanent company of actors who perform plays belonging to a certain repertoire or of the same class. (Macquarie Dictionary)
The so-called English ‘repertory’ theatre thrived in the 1920’s with over 250 places of performance in England and Scotland, but by 1966 they had shrunk to about 20, primarily due to the...